The great celebration of meditation


This year’s programme is, as usual, multifaceted, in order to offer as varied an overview as possible, without claiming to be complete, of what the world ofOsho has to offer.

It is designed so that participants can experience various meditation and awareness techniques, taste their fragrance and then decide which ones to continue practising at home or in the meditation centres.

All interspersed with Osho Meditations, from the more classic Dynamic, Kundalini and Evening Meeting to other lesser known but equally valid techniques.

The Oshofestival has an international flavor with most of the events and meditations led in English with Italian translation (or translated into English when led in Italian).

The nice NEW thing is that there will be TWO event halls open at the same time again!

The Great Festival of Meditation starts on Thursday 24 April at 2.30 pm and ends on Sunday 27 April at 6.10 pm.

The events will be in two rooms at the same time:

Red Hall

Blu Hall

Osho Festival image

Thursday 24

14:30-14:50 Welcome!
A friendly, joyous introduction to the Osho Festival 2025!

15:00-16:30 Celebrating This Mysterywith Anjori & Dhairya
The  OSHO Festival – is a taste of OSHO’s vision. An Oasis where we come and taste his flavour, his vision – his approach to life, his meditation and his silence. 
“Celebrate this Mystery” is an invitation to jump into this Festival, into this spirit – the Spirit of Celebration, Meditation, Love, Adventure, Aliveness, Authenticity and Joy – a YES to life. 
Yes to one another. Yes to love. 
Coming together and celebrating OSHO’s vision in all facets and dimensions.  Come and celebrate these dimensions with us and the OSHO Festival Team 2025

15:15-16:30 Osho Chakra Sounds Meditation
Sound meditation through the 7 chakras. With the use of particular sounds uttered in a certain sequence, you can explore and harmonise the seven chakras, the subtle energy centres that run through the human body.

Individual sessions bookable at tables in the lobby
Individual sessions at special OshoFestival prices offered by Osho Divine Healing Arts, (ODHA), Osho Prana Healing (OPH) and Bio Dynamic Body Balancing.
Plus table sessions such as Kirlian, Aura Soma, Tarot.
Fix with them – each has their own table in the lobby – the day and time to treat yourself to a session to make sure the time is right for you. You can pay (cash) for your session directly at the various tables.

17:00-18:30 Ikigai – the mission of the soulwith Atimoda & Prem Daniele
IKIGAI is a Japanese word meaning ‘that which is worth living for’: the concrete possibility for human beings to be bearers of change for themselves, for others, for the world. Imagine waking up every day with a sense of purpose and passion guiding your actions. Welcome to the workshop where you will discover how to turn this vision into reality! We will guide you on an exciting journey of self-discovery, revealing the power of your ikigai to connect yourself with and your true essence. It is time to bring your dreams to life and enlighten the path of those around you. Join us and discover how your mission can transform not only your life, but also the lives of others!

17:20-18:30 Osho Chakra Breathing Meditation
A technique for becoming aware of the seven chakras and awakening their energy through the breath. It gives you greater vitality. It is best to do this technique on an empty stomach.

18:50-20:00 Osho Kundalini Meditation
This meditation finds its best moment if done at sunset or late afternoon. Letting go totally into shaking and dancing during the first two stages helps dissolve stiffness wherever the flow of energy has been repressed and blocked. Then energy can flow, dance, and be transformed into joy and bliss.

21:45-23:15 Bailar Celebrar – with Khala, Somraj, Bhavani, Kiran
A playful evening to meet and celebrate the festival together. Dance will be a way to get together and open ourselves up to meet many new friends with joy and sensuality. The insights behind the Humaniversity Social Meditations will be the way to bring our hearts in tune with others, going deeper into ourselves.

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Friday 25

6:50-8:00 Osho Dynamic Meditation
This meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old, ingrained patterns in the bodymind that keep one imprisoned in the past, and to experience the freedom, the witnessing, silence and peace that are hidden behind these that are our real self.

7:00-8:00 Divine Healing Exercises with Kashin e Scuola ODHA
Body movements done in close connection with the breath. They were inspired by ancient Chinese and Japanese techniques for nourishing ‘KI’ (the vital energy flowing through the body), known as Qi-Gong in China and Shin-Tai-Do in Japan, and adapted to the needs and realities of modern man. These movements are good for health, flexibility of the body and strengthen the immune system as they harmonise the flow of KI along the meridians and corresponding organs.

9:30-11:00 Pulsation, The Juice of lifewith Aneesha
Becoming more rooted, more grounded in your body; breathing more deeply to generate energy flow; dancing and moving into a deeper aliveness; looking into each other’s eyes and recognizing fellow travelers there… We will celebrate the opening of our bodies and our hearts as we re-kindle the fire of our aliveness, delighting in the natural life energy that is our birthright to feel and share.

9:40-10:50 Osho Gibberish Meditation
‘Gibberish’ is a word derived from the name of the Sufi mystic Jabbar: he never spoke in any known language, he just spoke nonsense. It is a cathartic technique based on the use of expressive sounds and body movements, followed by silent relaxation. Gibberish is one of the most scientific methods of clearing one’s mind.

Individual sessions bookable at tables in the lobby
Individual sessions at special OshoFestival prices offered by Osho Divine Healing Arts, (ODHA), Osho Prana Healing (OPH) and Bio Dynamic Body Balancing.
Plus table sessions such as Kirlian, Aura Soma, Tarot.
Fix with them – each has their own table in the lobby – the day and time to treat yourself to a session to make sure the time is right for you. You can pay (cash) for your session directly at the various tables.

11:30-13:00 Family Constellation and Trauma Healing with Svagito
In this workshop we learn what trauma is and how to overcome the effects of personal or collective trauma. We will especially understand how healthy bonding can support healing, while unhealthy bonding ties us to a trauma field.
Svagito will explain and demonstrate how to work systemically and with the body in a way that supports a healing process that will give us strength and puts us in contact with a deep love. Dealing with difficult experiences rightly can help us make a shift in consciousness.
There will be demonstration sessions, guided meditations and a chance to ask personal questions.

11:40-13:00 Osho Vipassana Meditation
Through breath awareness you can watch, without being involved in it, the dramas of the mind… which begin to slow down. The activity of thought calms down when you take away your involvement. This also brings to the surface and dissolves tensions. It is a deep cleansing.

15:00-16:30 From Chaos to Claritywith Darpan
A journey to rediscover your authenticity and create the life you love. In a world where ‘doing’ often dominates over ‘being’, many find themselves trapped in a sense of emptiness or confusion, despite outward successes or spiritual paths taken. Those who meditate often find themselves searching for a deep balance between the inner world and the challenges of daily life.
This event is an invitation to integrate awareness and action, awakening the creativity that leads to a freer and more fulfilling life. In this experiential meeting you will discover the ‘More Power, Less Limits’ method, and learn how to harness your natural inner technology to overcome creative blocks and live with more clarity and lightness.
You will be able to apply it in your daily life, improving relationships, well-being and personal and professional fulfilment.
“Creativity is the fragrance of individual freedom.” – OSHO

15:10-16:20 Humaniversity Friendship Meditation
The Friendship Meditation, created by Veeresh, is a unique social meditation designed to connect with others in just one hour. Through dance, singing, hugs, and expression, you will explore the true value of relationships.
Join us to celebrate the joy of Friendship!

17:00-18:10 Osho Kundalini Meditation
The first two stages of this meditation are shaking and dancing. And then the last two stages enable all this energy to flow vertically, to move upwards into silence. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day.

18:50-20:00 Osho Evening Meeting Meditation
“Every night, these few moments are the most valuable in your life. Every evening, when so many living buddhas gather here, this place becomes the most important in the whole world. Because nowhere are so many people meditating together – digging so deep that they can find the very life source, the eternity, the deathlessness.” Osho

21:45-23:15 OPH Insight Dance – with Anunaya e Rohi – music by Dj Gaya
A journey through dance to discover the inexhaustible source of energy: the Hara.
We will explore the potential of this vital centre and how its conscious liberation invites us to sink into our presence and joy of living. Dancing we will surrender to the immense vital energy, always at our disposal, experiencing its vigorous transformative capacity and powerful intensity, allowing us to regenerate and release our creative potential.

21:45-22:55 Osho Gourishankar Meditation
A technique that activates the third eye. Osho says that if you perform the initial breath phase correctly, you will feel like you are on the peak of Mount Everest.

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Saturday 26

6:50-8:00 Osho Dynamic Meditation
“This is a meditation in which you have to be continuously alert, conscious, aware, whatsoever you do. The first step, breathing; the second step, catharsis; the third step, the mantra, ‘Hoo.’ And when everything stops, and in the fourth step you have become completely inactive, frozen, then this alertness will come to its peak.” Osho

7:00-8:00 Yoga, the Secret Code of Inner Essencewith Ojas
A Meditative style of Yoga, a profound journey to discover your most authentic nature through body practice. You will discover the profound meaning of meditating by embracing every cell in your body and communicating with your Self.

8:30-11:00 Humaniversity AUM Meditationwith Khala and Somraj
An active and social meditation technique that through the expression of emotions leads to the silence and stillness of meditation. It is the most famous and most beloved social meditation created by Veeresh at the request of Osho.
In its phases, we have the opportunity to experience and express the emotions of life, in a protected setting and together with many new friends; together we make our energy flow, overcoming our fears with joy and love, to get to our center, to meditation.

9:40-10:50 OSHO Nataraj Meditation
The energy of dance, dance as total meditation, in which all inner divisions disappear and a subtle, relaxed awareness remains.

Individual sessions bookable at tables in the lobby
Individual sessions at special OshoFestival prices offered by Osho Divine Healing Arts, (ODHA), Osho Prana Healing (OPH) and Bio Dynamic Body Balancing.
Plus table sessions such as Kirlian, Aura Soma, Tarot.
Fix with them – each has their own table in the lobby – the day and time to treat yourself to a session to make sure the time is right for you. You can pay (cash) for your session directly at the various tables.

11:30-13:00 Tantric Energy Meditation(For both singles and couples) with Aneesha
Tantric Energy is the subtle movement of life energy, dancing and swirling through our bodies as we breathe, move, relax, and let go into the flow. Through a variety of exercises using movement and breath, we will create a deeper contact with our own inner aliveness, sensitivity, and flow. Then, we will enter a partner meditation, which is an opportunity to breathe, to flow, and to rest together with another in aliveness, silence, and meditative presence.

11:40-12:50 OSHO Laughter Meditation
“Twenty minutes of laughter, then twenty minutes of contact with the earth, deep contact with the earth. Breathe with the earth, feel one with the earth…. After these twenty energizing minutes – because the earth will give you so much energy that your dance will have a different quality – dance for twenty minutes.” Osho

15:00-16:30 Conscious Relating and the Art of Love – with Svagito
In this workshop we explore principles of healthy relating and how to grow in a relationship towards conscious love. When we can let go of the unhealthy patterns that we learned from our parents and act from our own awareness rather than from our need to belong, we can discover our capacity to give and receive love. Now we can find the courage to live an authentic, joyful life.
Participants are invited to present personal questions about relationship issues and everyone will have the chance to discover what lies at the source of such issues and how to grow beyond. Svagito will share what he learned in 40 years of working with people.
Unless meditation is achieved, love remains a misery.
Only two meditators can live in love“. Osho

15:10-16:20 OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation
The “humming” meditation… and the conflicting parts begin to tune in, bringing harmony to your whole being.

17:00-18:10 Osho Kundalini Meditation
“When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rocklike being should shake to the very foundations, so it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows.” Osho

18:50-20:00 Osho Evening Meeting Meditation
“That which cannot be said has to be experienced. This is a great experience of getting into the inner space. Something is experienced in this gathering which no one has been able to define. This is the highest peak of the whole day”. Osho

21:45-23:15 Sannyas Celebration
“I want this whole humanity to be one ocean of consciousness. Whatever the buddhas in the past did was good, but not enough. They created for themselves the highest peak of consciousness. I would like to create that highest peak for everyone… at least for those who are in search of it.” Osho

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Sunday 27

6:50-8:00 OSHO Dynamic Meditation
Stay aware. And when, in the fourth stage, you are completely still, as if frozen, then your presence will reach its peak. The whole technic has its roots in the first stage… if done properly all the rest comes easy. Breathing chaotically through the nose, let breathing be intense, deep, fast, without rhythm. Stay aware. And when, in the fourth stage, you are completely still, as if frozen, then your presence will reach its peak.

7:00-8:00 Deep Stretching – Canfora® Methodwith Deepti
Deep muscle stretching meets meditation and body and breath awareness. The rhythm of the mind slows down as your muscles stretch, pain melts away and the mind quiets down.

9:30-11:00 NETI NETI (neither this nor that)with Deepti Canfora
Whatever arises in your mind you can say: NEITHER this NOR that You are a tree on top of the hill contemplating the valley. In the valley is your periphery: thoughts, emotions, parts of your mind, action, confusion, pleasant and unpleasant feelings.
You can contemplate them, while you are at the top of the hill, a mere Witness.
Without choosing anything, neither this nor that, NETI NETI, contemplating something beyond perception, beyond understanding.

9:40-10:50 Heart Chakra Meditation
A simple and effective meditation technique based on breath and gentle body movement, capable, by working on the energy centre of the heart (the central chakra, i.e. the middle way in the mystical path, located in the centre of the chest), of creating a feeling of firm connection with the earth.

Individual sessions bookable at tables in the lobby
Individual sessions at special OshoFestival prices offered by Osho Divine Healing Arts, (ODHA), Osho Prana Healing (OPH) and Bio Dynamic Body Balancing.
Plus table sessions such as Kirlian, Aura Soma, Tarot.
Fix with them – each has their own table in the lobby – the day and time to treat yourself to a session to make sure the time is right for you. You can pay (cash) for your session directly at the various tables.

11:30-13:00 Work and Authentic Creativitywith Svagito
Only when we are creative we can be fully alive. Creativity is our birthright, but because of our social conditioning we have become distracted from our true potential and our work often has become a duty or a burden that does not bring us joy and satisfaction. Then we often look for secondary benefits, like recognition, status or material gain and our fulfilment does not arise from what we are doing.
In this workshop we learn how to remove old blocks and find our authentic creative expression in life. Everybody has something unique to contribute and discovering this will bring us again in touch with our joy and childlike innocence. Svagito will respond to personal questions about work and creativity.

11:40-12:50 Humaniversity Peace Meditation
The Peace Meditation, created by Veeresh, is an experience to explore inner peace. Through singing, dancing, connection, and sharing, you will discover that peace is in your hands.
Join us to reflect, have fun, and connect with yourself and others, bringing more peace into your relationships.

15:00-16:30 The Heart Dances – with Aneesha
A big collective event to conclude, finding us all together in the heart, the Osho Festival 2025.
Heart Dance is a meditation that is rooted in the Sufi tradition, but actually includes songs and dances from many traditions around the world. Some of the songs are very beautiful and touching, others are energetic and playful, but all of them give the opportunity to meet others in a simple and juicy way.
Each song has a corresponding dance that supports contact between partners, especially through eyes and using meaningful gestures or ‘mudras’. Although deceptively simple, Heart Dance has a surprisingly profound effect on all involved.
These sacred songs and dances will open your voice and your heart. Connecting with the spirit of divine energy that flows through us all, we can share this heart-space with others, in gratitude and grace.

16:30-16:45 Goodbye
And see you next year…

17:00-18:10 Osho Kundalini Meditation
Dissolve all rigidity and flow with energy. Becoming totally immersed in shaking and dancing helps to dissolve rigidity wherever the flow of energy has been repressed and blocked.

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For any info about the participation in the Osho Festival program do not ask the hotel but the organizers, filling up the form in the colomn aside or calling n° +39 348 5199 916.