The great celebration of meditation
The Inner Sky

The Inner Sky

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The Inner Sky

18 April 2021 | 08:10 - 09:10

with Chetana – The technique begins with a guided relaxation that takes the listener into a very deep space from which he/she can observe thoughts, problems, emotions, everything that is part of his/her life at that moment, without being caught by the dramatic aspect being. Just like an observer watching the clouds pass in the sky.
Osho says that thoughts are like clouds, they have no roots, they live only on the attention we give them. If we take away our attention from thoughts and give it instead to the space in which they float, they begin to disappear. And he also says that the moment you realize that you are not the thoughts but the space in which they float, you have understood the phenomenon of awareness.
You can find the CD of this guided meditation attached to Anando’s book “Sì”, on sale at the Oshoba desk, in English and Italian.


18 April 2021
08:10 - 09:10
Event Category:


Sala Verde / Green Room
via Uso 1
Bellaria, Rimini 47814 Italia
