The great celebration of meditation
The Fire of Life

The Fire of Life

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The Fire of Life

16 April 2021 | 11:30 - 13:00

with Upadhi – Energy is the basis of everything, energy is the source where life comes from.
Everything comes from the void. Nowadays science is demonstrating what the mystics used to tell us 5000 years ago, i.e. that an atom particle is 99.999999% empty, energy.
Energy is the source of everything and is untouchable and invisible. In order to perceive it we need to put aside the space of the mind, of rational understanding, and dive into the unknown universe of feelings.
Generally you live at a low energy, mechanically.
In this event, through getting in touch with the hara, you can go back in touch with the fire of life, with the source of its unpolluted purity.
The hara, like a dynamo of electricity, supplies energy to all the chakras from the first to the seventh.
Visually it can be imagined as a bottomless pit, connected to the cosmic energy: when you get in touch with this source and with its “emptiness” you find space, silence and presence.
When you are in your center you can be in connection with the Whole. Here you feel in touch with a reservoir of an even greater energy, with the fire of life.


16 April 2021
11:30 - 13:00
Event Category:


Sala Rossa / Red Room
