The great celebration of meditation
From Emotional Dependency to Conscious Love

From Emotional Dependency to Conscious Love

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From Emotional Dependency to Conscious Love

18 April 2021 | 09:30 - 11:00

with Ameya – Understanding narcissistic relationships towards consciously love. We say we want a relationship but soon we find ourselves caught up in dynamics that have nothing to do with love. The interaction with the other turns into an ego power trip and a dysfunctional attachment. In a context of meditation, we will experience how our unresolved emotional entanglements influence and poison our relationships. And together we can explore possible ways how to flow in a loving and harmonious way.


18 April 2021
09:30 - 11:00
Event Category:


Sala Verde / Green Room
via Uso 1
Bellaria, Rimini 47814 Italia
