The great celebration of meditation
Author: <span>dhana</span>

Author: dhana


He is an Osho sannyasin since 2001. He has worked as a social service and educator. In the last seventeen years he has been trained as a bodyworker through many groups and workshops, particularly he has attended the Italian Water Shiatsu School (Wastsu Italia) and the Ayurvedic Center in Goa …


He fell in love with the Osho Meditation Resort in Pune first, then with the Osho Festival. Since the first edition he has been offering AUM meditation during the festival, and shares this social meditation all over Italy as well as his personal growth workshops. At the Festival he is …


He has more then 25 years working on himself and then with people. He trained in the technique of Shiatsu at the Scuola O.D.H.A. – Osho Divine Healing Arts  by Prashantam. His work is tied to the movement and expression of the body. Alongside massages, he leads events and workshops …


An artist and Tantra Yoga conductor, since his teens his spiritual quest has been oriented toward art, yoga and meditation, In 2003 he discovered Osho and became his disciple. For more than a decade he has been leading meditative painting events and yoga classes/groups inspired by Osho’s vision.

Ameya Canovi

Ameya is a psychologist and research doctor. Her PhD led her study emotions and the recognition of the flow in the present moment. She has been working for years with emotional dependence and relationships characterized by “too much love”, which has nothing to do with love. In her daily work …

Anjori and Dhairya

Anjori (right in the picture) and Dhairya are together as partners and fellow travellers since 1998 and their exploration of tantra is a process that continues since 2001. Their workshops are based on the teachings of Osho and the teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist tantric tradition of Padmasambhava’s lineage. They …

Siddho and Anurag

Siddho meets Osho and meditation in 1978. She graduated in psychological-social sciences and combines meditation with her cognitive experience. Siddho has worked with people for many years, leading workshops and trainings. She is an expert in several disciplines, including Ericksonian Hypnosis, Star Sapphire Energywork, Family and Relational Constellations, work with …


Our source of inspiration. Osho, a contemporary enlightened master, has dedicated his life to the awakening of consciousness, not only creating the famous Active Meditations and the original Meditative Therapies, but also delving into all the ancient teachings of the great enlightened masters and turning them into powerful techniques for …